As future projects come online, these FAQs will be updated
Q. What are the hours of construction?
A. The City of Cambridge Noise Ordinance specifies that construction work is permitted to be performed between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. on weekdays and between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturdays.
Q. How can I find out more information about project construction?
A. This website will be updated regularly with project information including construction notices, schedule information, project contact information and regular updates.
Q. Who can I contact if I have a question or concern during the construction?
A. Please contact us by email at with questions or concerns. We will make every effort to return your email within two business days. Or for more immediate concerns, contact our construction site coordinator at 617-395-1642.
Q. How will impacts to the surrounding community be addressed during the construction?
A. We have implemented a comprehensive construction mitigation program that aims to minimize or eliminate negative impacts to the surrounding abutters, the City, and community, while allowing for an efficient approach to the construction work. We will do our best to notify you in advance on this website with any upcoming work that will be particularly noisy or disruptive.
Q. How will noise be managed during construction?
A. The City of Cambridge has strict requirements regarding noise level allowed by construction activity. The project will meet these requirements. Furthermore, all reasonable efforts will be made to limit the amount of noise generated from the site and equipment will be monitored for noise level.
Q. How will dust be managed during construction?
A. The project will meet or exceed federal, state, and City regulatory standards concerning dust control. Techniques include water applications to the ground surfaces and materials, covering of soil and material stockpiles, and the use of street sweepers and wheel washes. To ensure the effectiveness of these measures, ambient air testing will be employed to measure airborne particulates.
Q. How will odors be managed during construction?
A. The project will meet or exceed federal, state, and City of Cambridge regulatory standards concerning odor control. Most equipment being used on the project will have retrofitted emission control devices installed on engines to reduce diesel emissions. In addition, every effort will be made to minimize truck idling.
Q. What vehicular, pedestrian, and cyclist impacts will be in place during construction?
A. For specific activities, there will be some impacts to vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists. Traffic may be intermittently stopped for a short time to allow for trucks and equipment to come and go into the site. This winter, the enabling utility work will need to close the sidewalk on the west side of Third Street from Potter Street to Broadway. Pedestrians will shift to the east side of Third Street. The crosswalk that is currently in place on Third Street at Broad Canal Way will remain in place and active during construction. In addition, the southbound cycle lane on Third Street will merge with the travel lane.
Q. When will demolition of the buildings begin and what will the process be like?
A. Demolition is anticipated to start on some of the buildings in 2025. Due to the busy, urban location, the structural dismantling of the 1960s buildings is being carefully planned. Prior to the removal of the buildings, enabling work will include abatement of regulated materials including asbestos and will be removed in accordance with all regulatory requirements. A comprehensive survey of the buildings was completed to confirm regulated materials locations. Demolition equipment, including jackhammers and excavators, will generate noise. More specifics and timing will be provided in the Updates section as plans progress.
Dust and vibration monitors will be positioned around the work site. Third-party engineers will continually check these monitors throughout the duration of the project to ensure demolition activities remain within safe and acceptable levels.
Q. How will trees and the landscaping be affected during and after construction?
A. As part of the special permit process with the City for large projects in Cambridge, we completed a comprehensive Tree Study for the project. This Tree Study was submitted to and approved by the Planning Board in 2021. The study outlines the site trees that will be removed for the future residential and commercial buildings and details the large and diverse new tree canopy that will be planted during the development process. A copy of the Tree Study can be found here.
Q. When will the project be completed?
A. The construction of Kendall Common buildings is market driven. Each building is being planned and designed with the goal of commencing development as market conditions permit. Site utility enabling and infrastructure work is underway and will take us through 2025.
Q. Will there be public art?
A. MIT has an extensive public art program throughout both campus and our portfolio. We often work with the MIT List Visual Arts Center to curate pieces. Please visit for more information about MIT Public Art.
Q. What retail will be planned for the area?
A. We are extremely excited about the ongoing development of Kendall Square, and MIT is committed to ushering in enhanced and flexible retail and dining options that fill in the gaps of goods and services the neighborhood needs. Over the years, we have listened to what the community needs – a grocery, a pharmacy, locally owned restaurants – and we have delivered. We look forward to continuing to provide the Kendall Square area with more options for goods, services, and food as we develop Kendall Common. All of the buildings at Kendall Common will include ground floor retail options and we look forward to adding more exciting retail to the area.
Q. What activities are being imagined for the open space?
A. We are looking forward to creating open spaces at Kendall Common and commencing with a variety of programming that will help to enhance the liveliness of Kendall Square. We anticipate that the programming will be similar and complimentary to the open space programming that we currently are undertaking at the MIT Open Space south of Main Street, which includes movies, concerts, guest speakers, food trucks, festivals, and more.
Q. Will there be any improvements to bicycle or pedestrian access?
A. Yes, there will be significant improvements to both pedestrian and bicycle access throughout the Kendall Common site. Pedestrian sidewalks and bicycle lanes will reconnect Binney Street and Broadway and provide access into the site which has been closed off to the public for many years.
Q. Will there be affordable housing? If so, how can one apply?
A. Yes, Kendall Common will deliver approximately 1400 units of housing, and twenty percent (20%) of the units will be designated as Affordable Units pursuant to the requirements of Cambridge Inclusionary Housing Ordinance.